Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Geekdom: Avengers director!!! (hopefully?)

Being a huge fan of things like Firefly, Serenity, and Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog, it is no mystery that I am a huge fan of everything Joss Whedon. It was mentioned a while back that he may be directing the new Avengers movie. I didn't really hope on this because Whedon doesn't really have the recognized talent he deserves among Hollywood. But thank God, because he is in final negotiations to direct the new superhero team up, The Avengers!

Joyous day! Watch Firefly (there are only about nine episodes) then watch its film Serenity and you can see that he is a very capable director of film/tv shows specializing in an ensemble cast, action, and heart. He is the perfect choice for a film I now have high hopes for.

But who knows, because of the unreliability of Hollywood, this may change tomorrow. Let's hope it doesn't


PS: You can watch Firefly and Dr. Horrible on Hulu.com. Go. Now.