James Cameron, in my eyes, is a fantastic director. Terminator, T-2, Aliens, and True Lies are some of the best action pictures I have ever seen. And then he did this: This bland, predictable, shit storm that is Titanic.
Titanic is the highest grossing movie...ever...IT BEAT THE DARK KNIGHT. FUCK. I saw that it was on TV the other night, and because I'm a masochist and I wanted to procrastinate, I decided to watch a little. And it amazed me when I was finished and saw SEVERAL Facebook status's from girls 15-17 saying things like, "Omg Titanic is my fav movie everrrr!" Or, "Leo Decaprio is so sexy! Lolz." Or, "Is watching my fav movie Titanic with my loverrr Leonardo!"
IT'S NOT A GOOD FILM. IT'S JUST NOT! This film is weak sauce. It had potential, but fell flat on many levels.
First off, the film is called Titanic. Nothing more, nothing less than Titanic. So, shouldn't it be about the terrible disaster that was the sinking Titanic? Oh we're gonna focus on two people who we don't care about and watch them run around the ship and giggle? Then, oh no! The ship sinks threatening their love?! Fuck that shit. If a movie is called TITANIC it should be about the TITANIC. Not about too bland characters we DO NOT care about. She's rich, he's poor blah blah blah they over come their financial differences blah blah he's artsy he draws her blah blah they prance around the boat blah blah her parents don't approve blah blah Celine Dion. The script SHOULD HAVE focused on some real stories of the Titanic: maybe about the mail men who drowned while trying to fulfill their duties of hauling heavy mail bags or the workers in the engine room who drowned trying to keep the ship going. Now we do get non-fictional characters but they're there mostly to fill the scenery and for Cameron to say, "Look, Look! Non-fiction that's interesting but were not going to focus on let's cut to Jack doing a jigg and Rose laughing! That's romantic, right?"
So Instead of interesting plot we focus on these pretty douchebags:

Now, I like both Kate Winslet and Leo Decaprio but they both do such a mediocre job in this.
There's a scene involving the contrivance of some guy we don't spend much time on, chaining Jack up to a pole for some reason we don't really care about. He leaves, and Rose enters to see her lover in peril.
This is their conversation.
-You're chained Jack!
-Get me out of these chains Rose!
-Jack oh no!
-Get the axe Rose!
-Jack Jack Jack!
-Rose! Rose!
-Hit the chain with the axe Rose!
-Okay Jack! (she hits the chain with the axe, freeing Jack thus making this scene entirely pointless).
The film was hailed for its effects upon it's release. Uh, why? The effects do not hold up a bit to today's standards and that would be fine if it wasn't made in the 2000's. Jurassic Park came out in the 90s and it's effects kicks Titanic's ass.
This film has been kind of the poster child for romanticism but I can't see why. The lead's romance never feels real, never organic. The dialogue is pushed and the characters are forced.
When Jack is freezing in the water and says, "Never let go." and Rose says, "I won't!" And she let's go isn't romantic. It's stupid. Maybe if he told her to let go And she said, "Never." Talking about their love...or some shit...uh...football....And she let him drift away MAYBE that would work. But probably not.
Anyway, this was a spontaneous post and I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate from it but, it really did not deserve the attention, Oscars, nor the acclaim it got.
Weak Sauce.
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