Originally, I had planned on doing a mere Top 5 of 2009 but looking at all the films that have come in this year, it proved too difficult to narrow it down that much. So, I boosted it up to a list of my Top 15 favorite films of the year. This list might be controversial because it's not the BEST films of the year, it's my favorite.
Before we start, I must give a list of films I HAVE NOT SEEN but films that if I had, would have probably made it on the list. Those films are:
-Drag Me to Hell
-In the Loop
-Big Fan
-Fish Story
-Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
-A Serious Man
-An Education
-The Messenger
-The Road (I must read the book first)
-Crazy heart
-Fish Story
I know there are many movies on that list, but that should give you an answer to why some films are missing from this list.
Also, it's interesting to see coincidences on my list, which were purely accidental. Three science fiction films back to back, two teen angst films back to back, three "kids" films in the top ten, and two "war" films in the top five, and two George Clooney films SAY WHAT.
Also, some films I will list will have no explanation along with them, either I've already reviewed them, or they've shown up on some list or what have you.
15. Sherlock Holmes: One of the most entertaining movies I've seen, it would be higher if we didn't get the more entertaining films on the list.
14. Funny People: I still stand by this film as a great film, drama and comedy. I see the complaints people give it but I ignore them and will heavily enjoy owning it on DVD (thanks Max).
13. 500 Days of Summer
12.Lymelife: I'll probably give this film a full review but you should really seek this film out. It's an angst ridden film, but angst not just from teens but from adults. It's a film that shows the kids acting more adult than the adults. It's a little indie film that deserves attention.
11. Adventureland: I love this film. See it, but don't expect an uproarious comedy. This and Lymelife were swapping each others places for a while and I figured that this was just more entertaining, with Lyme being more disturbing.
10. District 9: If I see this film again I think I'll enjoy it more but as of now it's kind of distant with me, like I'm already remembering the sour parts. I still do love the movie.
9. Moon: SEE MOON.
8. Star Trek
7. Up
6. Fantastic Mr. Fox: Full review coming for this, it's a great Wes Anderson film. Inventive, charming, and quite entertaining.
5. Away We Go
4. Where the Wild Things Are
3. Inglorious Basterds: this had the number 1 spot for a while and it's a film I must see again because the film does have flaws but the more I remember it the more I love the hell out of it.
2. Up in the Air
1. The Hurt Locker: A film that I personally haven't given enough recognition. It's a fantastic, fantastic film that puts war films to shame and shows characters we haven't necessarily seen before.
HAPPY 2010!!!!
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