Friday, March 26, 2010

Giggles: Dogs are fucking hilarious!...right...

Owen Wilson is a likable guy. I've enjoyed his stuff with Wes Anderson, some of his comedies, and he just seems like an all around good dude. After his unfortunate suicide attempt a few summers ago, I was ready to see him back on the screen. Only, he chooses to spend his efforts on fucking dog movies, such as Marley and Me.

First of all, shouldn't be Marley and I? Just a thought. Anyway, this summer he will be voicing the Great Dane Marmaduke, from the popular comic.
You can check out that trailer here:

I'll wait...Done? Did you see the hilarious Hispanic stereotype dog voiced by the unfunny George Lopez? Did you see the female stereotype voiced by Fergie? Did you see the cringing dance sequence? The bad acting by William H. Macy/live action cast? The fucking surfing scene?!
It's not like dogs have been a strict land animal for hundreds of years and making them surf is pretty inhumane, someone call the ASPCA.

Dog movies suck.
Dogs, rule.


1 comment:

  1. I totes agree, martindreamselectric,
    you're so insightful.
