This week's category is:
Top Five Superhero Movies! Ever!
5. Superman II :
To me not only does it surpass Superman: The Movie, but it's the superhero movie that really jump started the superhero movie genre. Sure some of the effects and acting haven't aged well, and sure there are a plenty of weird moments: amnesia kiss?, stupid Niagara Falls kid? cellophane S symbol? But that does not make it any the less great. It's campy, it's fun, and it deals with Superhero dilemmas that have rarely been tackled since then.
4. Batman Begins:
Chris Nolan's first attempt at the relaunch of the Batman franchise. And what a first attempt it was. Equally balancing the origin of Batman with a complete new story, Batman Begins was dark, edgy, real, and a breath of fresh air from uh, this:

The one downside to this film is the editing. Most of the action scenes are so quick and randomly edited that it is hard to figure out what's going on, this weak point pushes it back to #4 however it does have Liam Neeson with a Samurai sword. Awesome.
3. Spider-Man 2:
In my opinion, Spider-Man 2 is one of the best movie sequels behind The Godfather 2 and The Empire Strikes Back. Showing the problems of being a superhero and the physical and emotional tole it has on our hero Peter Parker was brilliantly executed in Sam Raimi's second Spider-Man film. With great action, acting, humor, direction, and writing, Spider-Man 2 steals the #3 spot only to be out ranked by...
2. Iron Man:
Last years MEGA ULTRA FANTASTIC hit Iron Man proved many things. It proved Jon Favreau's directing ability, it proved Robert Downey JR could have a comeback, it proved you can tell an entertaining origin story while still having a central story, and it proved that superhero movies are starting to become a thing not just for geeks, but for the mainstream public, proved by its mammoth box office rake in. Like Batman Begins, Iron Man beautifully juggled the origin of Iron Man and the character ark of Tony Stark. Fun action, charismatic acting by all involved, and a great director gives Iron Man the title of the second best superhero film of all time.
And now...number one...
1. If you don't know what number one is you're a fool:
The Dark Knight is the second highest grossing movie...ever...just under, *sigh* fucking Titanic. CURSE YOU TITANIC. Anyway, what Batman Begins got wrong or did a shoddy job at, The Dark Knight perfected. Christopher Nolan took the nit-picky criticism he received from Begins and far surpassed anything anyone could have ever imagined. Me and every other fanboy had our expectations high for this film. And boy, did it ever deliver. The Dark Knight was not only seen as a great superhero film but a great film in general. It was accepted by audiences world wide and won an Oscar for the late Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker (anyone who says Nicholson's was better is wrong). The main criticism for Knight was it's length. As long as the length is not unnecessary I see no problem with getting more film for my 11 bucks. All these reasons and more makes The Dark Knight the best superhero movie. Ever.
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