Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tits and Giggles: Whales, and why they rock.

For the scientific:
Trillions (probably) of years ago, whale ancestors made their way out of the water and onto dry land, adopting legs and vital systems. A couple millions (probably) of years later, the whale land mammal made its way back into the water, thus losing its legs and vital systems and becoming more like the whale we know today.

For the not so scientific:
Whales got out of the water, chilled on land a little, didn’t like it, went back in the water.

A totally realistic and scientifically accurate conversation between two whales:

Hey so uh, I’ve been thinking. Want to go down to the whale gym and work off some of this blubber?

Eh, not really. Let’s just grow some legs and move onto land. We can burn calories that way (he starts to gather his things).

Isn’t that like, a whole lot more effort than just going down to the whale gym? I mean can we even grow legs?

Hm? Oh sorry I wasn’t paying attention; I was too busy gathering all my whale furniture.

You’re sure this will work?

Trust me. Besides, it’s not like we’ll get bored and want to come back into the water, get real.

Hm, (he pauses to think things over) do they have whale gyms?

I think they’re just called gyms up there. I heard they have Jamba Juice.

What’s that? Is it like Whale Jamba Juice?

Kind of, just with less krill.

The End

Whales rule.


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