So, a couple things.
I posted something talking about how school would delay me from blog posts blah blah blah blah, which was true but not the main reason why I haven't posted anything in...two weeks? Go. Me.
I haven't even kept my promise of having the WEEKLY top five. Clearly, I don't know what weekly means.
There's no, a boo hoo family tragedy, or I got in a car accident and am now a vegtable, no no, none of that, I'm just lazy. So, for anyone who reads this and cares, sorry. Mainly, this was just for me so I can apologize and feel better about myself.
Also, there are many movies coming out soon as well as ones that I've seen but haven't gotten around to reviewing, again, lazy. So expect movie reviews of:
-The Invention of Lying
-Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
-Where the Wild Things Are
Plus others seen on DVD and such.
That is all.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Top Five Weekly: Batman and Robin WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! Moments.
What the fuck-who the-fucking-what the fuck are you doing?! Is the mindset I have ever time I catch Batman and Robin on TV or decide to perform masochism and watch it by my own means. The what the fuck are you doing, refers to the cast, the director (Joel Shumacher), and everyone involved in the film.
There are plenty of WHAT THE FUCK?! moments in the film, these are my top five. Ice.
5. Bane:
Bane from the comics:

Batman and Robin:

In the comics Bane BREAKS BATMAN'S BACK. In the movie Batman and Robin? He's fat.
While still being over the top ridiculous when it comes to pulsating.
4. Costumes:
This movie is infamous for the infamous bat-nipples. Not only did the Batman and Robin Bat suits have nipples on the pecks, they also had ass imprints and a cock piece.
WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! Also, the Mr. Freeze suit is over the top and ridiculous, the poison ivy costume is silly, and even the extras in the back round beg the question what the fuck?
3. Casting:
Seriously? Arnold? As Mr. Freeze? Seriously? George Clooney? Seriously?
Despite having an A-list cast all who have done good acting in the past (excluding Arnold), yet they bring these guys together AND ALL of them do terribly. None of them fit the part, none of them act the part, all of them were just waiting for that big fat pay check.
2. Miscellaneous:
A few things that don't deserve their respected number, but when put together, they make number two.
-Batman's line: "This is why Superman works alone." FUCK YOU WRITERS.
-BatCard: Batman has a freaking credit card. AHHHHHHH.
-Robin yelling COWABUNGA when sky boarding through the air. Which also doesn't make any sense.
-The camera always tilting on an axis during the opening credits, and the majority of the shots not being set up well.
1. Ice puns. All of them.
Here are a few of Arnold's puns on the word ice as well as things he says that hold no actual relevance, he just says them because, well, he likes ice. Get it? Mr. Freeze? Yeah, these writers were lazy.
-Ice to meet you.
-Let's kick some ice.
-You'll become a nice, ice snow cone.
-What killed the dinosaurs? The ICE age! (okay that's not even true, just use Google.)
-Batman, you have to chill!
-Allow me to break the ice.
I am dead serious, Mr. Freeze actually says these lines. And now, Mr. Freeze is the ice Governor of ice California.
That is all.
There are plenty of WHAT THE FUCK?! moments in the film, these are my top five. Ice.
5. Bane:
Bane from the comics:

Batman and Robin:

In the comics Bane BREAKS BATMAN'S BACK. In the movie Batman and Robin? He's fat.
While still being over the top ridiculous when it comes to pulsating.
4. Costumes:
This movie is infamous for the infamous bat-nipples. Not only did the Batman and Robin Bat suits have nipples on the pecks, they also had ass imprints and a cock piece.
WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! Also, the Mr. Freeze suit is over the top and ridiculous, the poison ivy costume is silly, and even the extras in the back round beg the question what the fuck?
3. Casting:
Seriously? Arnold? As Mr. Freeze? Seriously? George Clooney? Seriously?
Despite having an A-list cast all who have done good acting in the past (excluding Arnold), yet they bring these guys together AND ALL of them do terribly. None of them fit the part, none of them act the part, all of them were just waiting for that big fat pay check.
2. Miscellaneous:
A few things that don't deserve their respected number, but when put together, they make number two.
-Batman's line: "This is why Superman works alone." FUCK YOU WRITERS.
-BatCard: Batman has a freaking credit card. AHHHHHHH.
-Robin yelling COWABUNGA when sky boarding through the air. Which also doesn't make any sense.
-The camera always tilting on an axis during the opening credits, and the majority of the shots not being set up well.
1. Ice puns. All of them.
Here are a few of Arnold's puns on the word ice as well as things he says that hold no actual relevance, he just says them because, well, he likes ice. Get it? Mr. Freeze? Yeah, these writers were lazy.
-Ice to meet you.
-Let's kick some ice.
-You'll become a nice, ice snow cone.
-What killed the dinosaurs? The ICE age! (okay that's not even true, just use Google.)
-Batman, you have to chill!
-Allow me to break the ice.
I am dead serious, Mr. Freeze actually says these lines. And now, Mr. Freeze is the ice Governor of ice California.
That is all.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Life: le⋅gal⋅ize [lee-guh-lahyz] to make legal, to authorize.
*NOTE: This is going to be a change in pace from my usual posts*
This is a topic that maybe, I don't know the most about. But hey, I never know what I'm talking about, why should today be any different?
There is talk throughout the country about legalizing the illegal drug marijuana. I will say upfront that I do not, nor have I ever used marijuana or any drug for that matter but this topic, is something that I believe highly in, and feel it should be discussed.
The war on drugs has failed. I will say this right off the bat. We have only exasperated the the illegal drug trade and use, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Now, when I say we should legalize marijuana I am talking about this one, particular substance. I am not suggesting legalization of all drugs, even though there would be certain benefits such as a decrease in crime and less use of shared needles resulting in less HIV positive Americans. However the cons out weigh the pros in the legalizing of all drugs.
When it comes to marijuana however, I believe it is a topic not to be taken lightly and to be heavily considered. I stress the point of the discussion being taken seriously because of what I have seen from our current president. Now listen, I am a liberal, and am thoroughly supportive of Obama and his presidency. However something that disheartens me is what he has to say on the subject of marijuana.
Listen to what he says here the topic, I believe this was when he was still running:
I find this an inconsiderate and an immature evasion of discussing the topic of legalization. I believe our president did this to win over certain conservative folk and higher up influences and to evade actually discussing the matter. He laughs at the question, alluding that certain web users are simple stoners. If you look at the people behind him they are laughing and nudging their associate and mocking the web users question who meant it as an actual question and a query to Obama. This is unfair and an immature way to go about real American's real thoughts and opinions.
Listen to what he says back in 2004 about decriminalization:
Okay, now here he does not say he is for legalization, however, he does talk seriously about rethinking our strategy and decriminalization of our laws. This is what he should have went about discussing it in the first video. He takes the matter seriously with respect and brings it up as a serious topic of rethinking our failures.
But enough about Obama, that was one of few issues I have with our president.
Moving on, I would like to talk breifly about the educational system and how it affects the use and growth of the popularity of the drug.
If you don't know what D.A.R.E is, you're probably....old....
Started ini 1983 d.a.r.e was an organization specializing in the education of preventing drug habits in teenagers. Now I think it is a dandy organization and their efforts in controlling gang membership and violence has been helpful in the decrease of violence in today's schools.
However what started, I believe as an effect of d.a.r.e, was that schooling systems across the country started scaring kids, and forcing anti drug policies and no tolerance toward drug using. Drugs were starting to be used as sodomy or something that is the worst thing that's ever existed ever. Ever.
Check out this 1980's drug psa shown on cable and in schools:
WHAT THE FUCK?! Not only is the video disturbing TO ME a fifteen year old, jaded high school student, but they showed this shit to kids, during Saturday morning fucking cartoons. There are several ones like this.
Check this out:
The educational system was, and still is, using scare tactics to frighten kids out of drugs. Maybe their intentions were good, however I think that one of the reasons drugs and alcohol are such a part of today's teen culture is because of the way it's expressed through school. Sure, it's important to educate, however we should do this in a mature, serious tone, not in ways that will give kids nightmares.
Now that they have stressed the disturbing aspects of drug use, kids now use them because it's extra bad. They think, oh, it's bad. BAD, is a bad word. Kids and people, often do illegal things BECAUSE THEY'RE ILLEGAL, BECAUSE THEY'RE "BAD".
I'm done with the educational system, they are a system so fucked up I need to address all there flaws in a follow up post.
Okay, now the pros of legalization of marijuana.
-if we section it in small, controllable doses, we can tax it, thus, raking in money, thus, helping our economy get back up on track.
-our medical use for the drug is so small and rarely taken advantage of and if we legalize it, there will be numerous benefits such as: it increases appetite in AIDS and cancer patients, it eases the digestive system of AIDS and cancer patients also those who have digestion issues, reducing interocular pressure in people with glaucoma, it eases pain.
-depression is a serious and dark topic that hundreds of Americans deal with, marijuana is a stress reliever, it has less side effects than most anti-depressant medication.
-people absurdly arrested for possession or under the influence of pot will be released from prison and overcrowding will significantly decrease.
You cannot tell me, that you're against saving the economy. You cannot tell me, that you're against relieving pain for AIDS patients. You can not tell me that depression, oh isn't all that bad.
Another point that I want to address is what a lot of people against legalization of pot are saying. I've had discussions with a couple of people against it and one point that seems to come up in all conversations is, "oh well if pot is legal, everyone's gonna start doing it and there will be a huge death and intellectual tole."
No, no, NO.
Heroin does not appeal to me, just watch Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream, and if it were suddenly legal, it does not mean I will pick it up and shove a needle into my vain or snort a line. Same goes for most people. If they are against something, however that something is not available, and that something randomly becomes available, said person will not just pick it up because they can. Human opinion and thought doesn't just go out the window if something is easy or because an individual CAN.
Also, there is no compelling evidence that marijuana causes long lasting side effects, brain damage, or death.
This was a long post, there are other points I'm not going to get to, I just wanted to get that out there, to try to help inform people. People as in whoever reads this. Which is two people.
That is all.
PS: If you have a rebuttal or argument against this topic, or anything I say, email me at
This is a topic that maybe, I don't know the most about. But hey, I never know what I'm talking about, why should today be any different?
There is talk throughout the country about legalizing the illegal drug marijuana. I will say upfront that I do not, nor have I ever used marijuana or any drug for that matter but this topic, is something that I believe highly in, and feel it should be discussed.
The war on drugs has failed. I will say this right off the bat. We have only exasperated the the illegal drug trade and use, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Now, when I say we should legalize marijuana I am talking about this one, particular substance. I am not suggesting legalization of all drugs, even though there would be certain benefits such as a decrease in crime and less use of shared needles resulting in less HIV positive Americans. However the cons out weigh the pros in the legalizing of all drugs.
When it comes to marijuana however, I believe it is a topic not to be taken lightly and to be heavily considered. I stress the point of the discussion being taken seriously because of what I have seen from our current president. Now listen, I am a liberal, and am thoroughly supportive of Obama and his presidency. However something that disheartens me is what he has to say on the subject of marijuana.
Listen to what he says here the topic, I believe this was when he was still running:
I find this an inconsiderate and an immature evasion of discussing the topic of legalization. I believe our president did this to win over certain conservative folk and higher up influences and to evade actually discussing the matter. He laughs at the question, alluding that certain web users are simple stoners. If you look at the people behind him they are laughing and nudging their associate and mocking the web users question who meant it as an actual question and a query to Obama. This is unfair and an immature way to go about real American's real thoughts and opinions.
Listen to what he says back in 2004 about decriminalization:
Okay, now here he does not say he is for legalization, however, he does talk seriously about rethinking our strategy and decriminalization of our laws. This is what he should have went about discussing it in the first video. He takes the matter seriously with respect and brings it up as a serious topic of rethinking our failures.
But enough about Obama, that was one of few issues I have with our president.
Moving on, I would like to talk breifly about the educational system and how it affects the use and growth of the popularity of the drug.
If you don't know what D.A.R.E is, you're probably....old....
Started ini 1983 d.a.r.e was an organization specializing in the education of preventing drug habits in teenagers. Now I think it is a dandy organization and their efforts in controlling gang membership and violence has been helpful in the decrease of violence in today's schools.
However what started, I believe as an effect of d.a.r.e, was that schooling systems across the country started scaring kids, and forcing anti drug policies and no tolerance toward drug using. Drugs were starting to be used as sodomy or something that is the worst thing that's ever existed ever. Ever.
Check out this 1980's drug psa shown on cable and in schools:
WHAT THE FUCK?! Not only is the video disturbing TO ME a fifteen year old, jaded high school student, but they showed this shit to kids, during Saturday morning fucking cartoons. There are several ones like this.
Check this out:
The educational system was, and still is, using scare tactics to frighten kids out of drugs. Maybe their intentions were good, however I think that one of the reasons drugs and alcohol are such a part of today's teen culture is because of the way it's expressed through school. Sure, it's important to educate, however we should do this in a mature, serious tone, not in ways that will give kids nightmares.
Now that they have stressed the disturbing aspects of drug use, kids now use them because it's extra bad. They think, oh, it's bad. BAD, is a bad word. Kids and people, often do illegal things BECAUSE THEY'RE ILLEGAL, BECAUSE THEY'RE "BAD".
I'm done with the educational system, they are a system so fucked up I need to address all there flaws in a follow up post.
Okay, now the pros of legalization of marijuana.
-if we section it in small, controllable doses, we can tax it, thus, raking in money, thus, helping our economy get back up on track.
-our medical use for the drug is so small and rarely taken advantage of and if we legalize it, there will be numerous benefits such as: it increases appetite in AIDS and cancer patients, it eases the digestive system of AIDS and cancer patients also those who have digestion issues, reducing interocular pressure in people with glaucoma, it eases pain.
-depression is a serious and dark topic that hundreds of Americans deal with, marijuana is a stress reliever, it has less side effects than most anti-depressant medication.
-people absurdly arrested for possession or under the influence of pot will be released from prison and overcrowding will significantly decrease.
You cannot tell me, that you're against saving the economy. You cannot tell me, that you're against relieving pain for AIDS patients. You can not tell me that depression, oh isn't all that bad.
Another point that I want to address is what a lot of people against legalization of pot are saying. I've had discussions with a couple of people against it and one point that seems to come up in all conversations is, "oh well if pot is legal, everyone's gonna start doing it and there will be a huge death and intellectual tole."
No, no, NO.
Heroin does not appeal to me, just watch Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream, and if it were suddenly legal, it does not mean I will pick it up and shove a needle into my vain or snort a line. Same goes for most people. If they are against something, however that something is not available, and that something randomly becomes available, said person will not just pick it up because they can. Human opinion and thought doesn't just go out the window if something is easy or because an individual CAN.
Also, there is no compelling evidence that marijuana causes long lasting side effects, brain damage, or death.
This was a long post, there are other points I'm not going to get to, I just wanted to get that out there, to try to help inform people. People as in whoever reads this. Which is two people.
That is all.
PS: If you have a rebuttal or argument against this topic, or anything I say, email me at
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tits and Giggles: Geekdom: Geek stories.
This post is about the many situations I have been in, in high school, that contain Geeky subject matter. Usually, I'll say something Geeky, no one will get it, so I run home and cry.
The following are true events, names have been changed for confidentiality:
Ninth Grade, circa October-November:
In my bio class one day my teacher was arguing with Girl 1.
They were talking about something or other, I wasn't really paying attention to what they were arguing about.
Girl 1: (shouting at the teacher) What do you expect me to do?! Do you expect me to talk?!
Me: (loudly to the whole class) No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!!
Now, I didn't think this was particularly Geeky but APPARENTLY no one has seen Goldfinger in my high school...
Ninth Grade, circa April-May:
Girl in my class who often gets annoyed at my weird behavior but then when I explain, "No, I'm just like that in 4th period Art cause it's so early". I also had History with her. So, I lied:
Okay so the Confucius followers were peaceful, honest, brave and true.
Me: Oh okay, like the Hobbits.
Girl in my class who often gets annoyed at my weird behavior but then when I explain, "No, I'm just like that in 4th period Art cause it's so early". I also had History with her. So, I lied:
Me: You know...the Hobbits...Shire...Baggins...?
First day of tenth grade:
In my Chemistry class, my teacher was practicing this fire-cotton-glycerin trick. When he put a ball of cotton on a hot plate it would burst into flame.
Teacher: Has anyone seen or read the Harry Potter series? I missed the last one but, what's the spell to start a fire?
I didn't know, neither did anyone else. I forgot that it was obviously Incendio.
Some ignorant kid: Lumos!
Me: NO! Lumos is to have a beam of light come from your wand! DUUUHHHH!!!
Now, obviously, this was a joke. And to my Geek redemption I got a big laugh from the class so, go me.
The following are true events, names have been changed for confidentiality:
Ninth Grade, circa October-November:
In my bio class one day my teacher was arguing with Girl 1.
They were talking about something or other, I wasn't really paying attention to what they were arguing about.
Girl 1: (shouting at the teacher) What do you expect me to do?! Do you expect me to talk?!
Me: (loudly to the whole class) No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!!
Now, I didn't think this was particularly Geeky but APPARENTLY no one has seen Goldfinger in my high school...
Ninth Grade, circa April-May:
Girl in my class who often gets annoyed at my weird behavior but then when I explain, "No, I'm just like that in 4th period Art cause it's so early". I also had History with her. So, I lied:
Okay so the Confucius followers were peaceful, honest, brave and true.
Me: Oh okay, like the Hobbits.
Girl in my class who often gets annoyed at my weird behavior but then when I explain, "No, I'm just like that in 4th period Art cause it's so early". I also had History with her. So, I lied:
Me: You know...the Hobbits...Shire...Baggins...?
First day of tenth grade:
In my Chemistry class, my teacher was practicing this fire-cotton-glycerin trick. When he put a ball of cotton on a hot plate it would burst into flame.
Teacher: Has anyone seen or read the Harry Potter series? I missed the last one but, what's the spell to start a fire?
I didn't know, neither did anyone else. I forgot that it was obviously Incendio.
Some ignorant kid: Lumos!
Me: NO! Lumos is to have a beam of light come from your wand! DUUUHHHH!!!
Now, obviously, this was a joke. And to my Geek redemption I got a big laugh from the class so, go me.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Geekdom: A brief speculation of Avatar (I spelled brief wrong at first).
A little while ago I talked about the highly anticipated trailer for James Cameron's Avatar. This being Cameron's last movie since that other movie about that rich angst-filled teen and that poor angst-filled teen on that boat.
In that post I praised the film. And while I still am highly excited for it...I found some flaws...
If you haven't seen the trailer yet watch it so you'll know what I'm talking about:
Okay now Sam Worthington is the main character. He plays a paraplegic war veteran in a wheelchair going to the planet of Pandora. We see Sam's character getting off of a high tech spaceship wheeling himself in a, in the same shot, we see this:

So uh...they have this...but they can't conquer this:

Come on James...
Also, Cameron said that the technology used in the film is unlike anything anyone's ever seen and that the film will be revolutionary. Really, it looks as good as Revenge of the Sith. Maybe it's going to be in the 3D aspect of the film that will blow me away but as of now, I don't see anything revolutionary.
I still think the film looks great and am still excited for it. I guess we'll have to wait for it on the big screen.
In that post I praised the film. And while I still am highly excited for it...I found some flaws...
If you haven't seen the trailer yet watch it so you'll know what I'm talking about:
Okay now Sam Worthington is the main character. He plays a paraplegic war veteran in a wheelchair going to the planet of Pandora. We see Sam's character getting off of a high tech spaceship wheeling himself in a, in the same shot, we see this:

So uh...they have this...but they can't conquer this:

Come on James...
Also, Cameron said that the technology used in the film is unlike anything anyone's ever seen and that the film will be revolutionary. Really, it looks as good as Revenge of the Sith. Maybe it's going to be in the 3D aspect of the film that will blow me away but as of now, I don't see anything revolutionary.
I still think the film looks great and am still excited for it. I guess we'll have to wait for it on the big screen.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Important Thing: Life: *sigh* School.
Most unfortunately, I have started my Sophomore year of high school today. What this means is that I will have much more work to do and my schedule will be conflicting with my recent Blogging habits (once a day or every other day). I will also have a huge amount of stress to deal with. So, this means I'm not going to have a concrete schedule for new Blogs to come out. The one concrete post that I can tell you is that weekly there will still be the Top Five list. Other than that, I'm going to have to just Blog whenever I can if this means a couple days between posts then so be it.
It will not be as bad as it was when I went to L.B.I but just a warning to keep patient.
That is all.
It will not be as bad as it was when I went to L.B.I but just a warning to keep patient.
That is all.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Top FIve Weekly: Movie Duos (I kinda cheat kinda).
Yes that's right! Top Five favorite duos!! A question pondered throughout the ages by scholars and fanboys alike!
5. R2-D2: Star Wars (all of them):
What's great about this duo (alike with two others on this list) is that one of them can talk, one of them can't, yet one of them is able to translate for everyone else. This gives the two this endearing dependence. And even though they bicker and go separate ways in Tatooine, they always end up together and have their wacky adventures. What's great about duos, most especially with R2 and 3PO, is that they have such distinct personalities EVEN WITH BEING DROIDS! And even when they don't serve there kind here or they are not the droids you're looking for, they still make it on the list.
4. Kirk and Spock: Star Trek (all of them):
Starting in the original series, James T Kirk and Spock were loyal friends as captain and first mate. In the alternate universe that the most recent Star Trek movie created, they really did not get along all that well...we see their friendship bloom in a new way then it did originally, and I admit it, I got a little teary eyed when future Spock told Kirk, "I have been and always shall be, your friend." They are great characters when separate, but great friends and thinkers when together. In no matter what universe.
3. Jay and Silent Bob: The Kevin Smith movies:
I consider these two the foul mouth pothead versions of Han Solo and Chewbacca. In almost every written and directed Kevin Smith film, these two are like Han and Chewie and R2 and 3PO in that there is that communication barrier but they understand each other, however different in that Silent Bob usually has one final monologue at the end of a film dishing out wisdom and life lessons. Jay and Bob have crazy adventures and never cease to entertain and make me laugh. They are also on a poster hanging right above my desk where I am writing this right now.
Hey guys. Snoochie.
2. The Hobbits: Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy:
Okay, okay, okay this is a foursome of Hobbits (ew) HOWEVER after The Fellowship of the Ring they split up, Frodo and Sam going off to Mount Doom, and Merry and Pippin getting captured by the Uruk-Hai. After that, they both go their separate ways only to reunite in one of the 14 endings of Return of the King. I still count them as the Hobbits and group them together however. What I love about these four is that when they're in their two groups they both have distinct characteristics and adventures, Frodo and Sam having a more difficult and melancholic one where as Merry and Pippin have a more light hearted romp ending of course at Return at the battle of Minas Tirith. However when they are together, they have such a great friendship chemistry and are such good friends that I just want to kick back, smoke a pipe, and talk about strawberries and the simpleness of life on the Shire.
1. Han and Chewie.
Of course! My all time favorite duo of all time, Han Solo and Chewbacca. I love both of these characters so much that when together, they form a Geekgasm of fantasticness. Again, sharing the R2, 3PO characteristic, Chewbacca speaks in grunts and moans, the language of the Wookies, and only Han understands him. Together they pilot the Millennium Falcon and defeat Stormtroopers like they're being payed 20,000 credits for it. And even though Chewie doesn't wear pants, and has an over sized belt from around his shoulder to hip, Han doesn't discriminate. He is proud to be Chewie's friend, and they are by far, the greatest movie duo.
5. R2-D2: Star Wars (all of them):
What's great about this duo (alike with two others on this list) is that one of them can talk, one of them can't, yet one of them is able to translate for everyone else. This gives the two this endearing dependence. And even though they bicker and go separate ways in Tatooine, they always end up together and have their wacky adventures. What's great about duos, most especially with R2 and 3PO, is that they have such distinct personalities EVEN WITH BEING DROIDS! And even when they don't serve there kind here or they are not the droids you're looking for, they still make it on the list.
4. Kirk and Spock: Star Trek (all of them):
Starting in the original series, James T Kirk and Spock were loyal friends as captain and first mate. In the alternate universe that the most recent Star Trek movie created, they really did not get along all that well...we see their friendship bloom in a new way then it did originally, and I admit it, I got a little teary eyed when future Spock told Kirk, "I have been and always shall be, your friend." They are great characters when separate, but great friends and thinkers when together. In no matter what universe.
3. Jay and Silent Bob: The Kevin Smith movies:
I consider these two the foul mouth pothead versions of Han Solo and Chewbacca. In almost every written and directed Kevin Smith film, these two are like Han and Chewie and R2 and 3PO in that there is that communication barrier but they understand each other, however different in that Silent Bob usually has one final monologue at the end of a film dishing out wisdom and life lessons. Jay and Bob have crazy adventures and never cease to entertain and make me laugh. They are also on a poster hanging right above my desk where I am writing this right now.
Hey guys. Snoochie.
2. The Hobbits: Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy:
Okay, okay, okay this is a foursome of Hobbits (ew) HOWEVER after The Fellowship of the Ring they split up, Frodo and Sam going off to Mount Doom, and Merry and Pippin getting captured by the Uruk-Hai. After that, they both go their separate ways only to reunite in one of the 14 endings of Return of the King. I still count them as the Hobbits and group them together however. What I love about these four is that when they're in their two groups they both have distinct characteristics and adventures, Frodo and Sam having a more difficult and melancholic one where as Merry and Pippin have a more light hearted romp ending of course at Return at the battle of Minas Tirith. However when they are together, they have such a great friendship chemistry and are such good friends that I just want to kick back, smoke a pipe, and talk about strawberries and the simpleness of life on the Shire.
1. Han and Chewie.
Of course! My all time favorite duo of all time, Han Solo and Chewbacca. I love both of these characters so much that when together, they form a Geekgasm of fantasticness. Again, sharing the R2, 3PO characteristic, Chewbacca speaks in grunts and moans, the language of the Wookies, and only Han understands him. Together they pilot the Millennium Falcon and defeat Stormtroopers like they're being payed 20,000 credits for it. And even though Chewie doesn't wear pants, and has an over sized belt from around his shoulder to hip, Han doesn't discriminate. He is proud to be Chewie's friend, and they are by far, the greatest movie duo.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Top Five Weekly: Summer Movies.
*NOTE: this was supposed to be posted last Thursday but through complications it was not, kinda ruining the whole weekly thing. To make it up for you all, the next one will be up Tuesday* is September 3rd...and even though summer doesn't technically end until school comes back in session, I like to think that the summer movie season ends right when August does.
And well, as far as summer movies's been (I hate people who say this but) a mixed bag.
A few things to mention: The movies I count at "Summer Movies" have come out between May and August. Also I am going on the films I've seen, I have not seen every movie that's been released.
Really, it's been a stronger summer for independent films, and a weaker one for more BIG BUDGET IN YOUR FACE ones.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: This is important because 5 is such an oh so small number. Give some love to the films that didn't make it in the list: Inglorious Basterds, Moon, Funny People, and Up (a film that was SO close to getting the number 5 spot).
And now onto the big show!!!(big show?):
5. Away We Go:
Directed by Sam Mendes and starring Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski, two people you wouldn't expect to get great dramatic performances from, Away We Go was greatly written, directed, acted, but maybe just fell a little short because the chemistry between Maya and John seemed more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend. Check out this funny and poignant story about a couple going across the country to find a home, ready to raise a family.
4. 500 Days of Summer:
A hilarious romantic comedy romp starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds as they tumble over such quirky and original obstacles as an inappropriate grandmother! Trouble with the family dog! And Craig T Nelson as an inept father :(!
At least...that's what they could have done here...
Instead, director Marc Webb has created a sweet story of boy meets girl...except it is much more than that. It avoids cliches, dull characters, and manages to stay true to actual, factual love.
3. District 9:
It is rare when Sci Fi fanboys such as myself are treated to a decent, smart Science Fiction film. But oh boy does it look like Christmas came twice (ew). What I love about this film is that it stays true to true Science Fiction which is comprehensive fiction you can believe, with a Scientific touch that makes it more grander. And if you strip the Science or less believable elements of the story you still get an intense narrative. There are obvious messages in the film paralleling the situation in South Africa but it doesn't shove it in your face which is very refreshing.The less you know about District 9 the more you will get out of the film but I will say that it delivers one of the smartest, most original, most entertaining Science Fiction films in the past decade. Oh and this film is not at all for the squeamish, I did find myself queasy at some parts and let me just say if you like the way you feel about your fingernails intact...don't see this movie...well do, but shun your eyes.
2. The Hurt Locker
Definitely one of the year's best films, The Hurt Locker, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, is a gripping, adrenaline rush, character study about soldiers in Iraq who specialize in defusing bombs. The movie deals with the tolls these characters have to face after going day after day in these situations that force enough adrenaline into your veins to kill a baby gorilla. Something I quite enjoyed is that it is unlike other war or Iraq movies in that it has a message, but like D9 it doesn't shove it any where in your body at any point. Like a minimum security prison: there's the punishment of solitary and dealing with what you did, but there's no Lawrence Fishbourne esque man named Midnight confronting you at nap time. All jokes a side, it's a really great film and highly deserves Oscar attention for the stars, the writer, and director.
1. Star Trek:
Of Course! The BID BUDGET HIGH GROSSING Star Trek revamp (kinda)! For me, Star Trek was the funnest time I had at the movies this summer. It managed to be many things: a love letter to die-hard fans, a new way for people who have no knowledge of ST to get emerged in the mythology, and all the while being a great entertaining summer movie. Now there are films on this list that are BETTER FILMS however ST entertained me the most, and entertainment is the number one thing a summer movie should have. It is also not a perfect film. Some flaws being: questionable motives for the villain (a Romulan played by Eric Bana) and not answering what Red Matter is, what it does, or when it will do certain things (either you travel through time ooorrrr you implode, either one). It is still a great, fun movie making it the best summer movie of 2009. Oh and it's directed by J.J Abrams, someone who's deeply loved in the Geek community for creating Lost. Love you J.J....even for Mission Impossible III....that was...that was a little weak.
If you disagree with this list, or anything I say, email me at
Stay tuned NEXT WEEK for Top Five Movie Duos!!!
Martin. is September 3rd...and even though summer doesn't technically end until school comes back in session, I like to think that the summer movie season ends right when August does.
And well, as far as summer movies's been (I hate people who say this but) a mixed bag.
A few things to mention: The movies I count at "Summer Movies" have come out between May and August. Also I am going on the films I've seen, I have not seen every movie that's been released.
Really, it's been a stronger summer for independent films, and a weaker one for more BIG BUDGET IN YOUR FACE ones.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: This is important because 5 is such an oh so small number. Give some love to the films that didn't make it in the list: Inglorious Basterds, Moon, Funny People, and Up (a film that was SO close to getting the number 5 spot).
And now onto the big show!!!(big show?):
5. Away We Go:
Directed by Sam Mendes and starring Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski, two people you wouldn't expect to get great dramatic performances from, Away We Go was greatly written, directed, acted, but maybe just fell a little short because the chemistry between Maya and John seemed more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend. Check out this funny and poignant story about a couple going across the country to find a home, ready to raise a family.
4. 500 Days of Summer:
A hilarious romantic comedy romp starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds as they tumble over such quirky and original obstacles as an inappropriate grandmother! Trouble with the family dog! And Craig T Nelson as an inept father :(!
At least...that's what they could have done here...
Instead, director Marc Webb has created a sweet story of boy meets girl...except it is much more than that. It avoids cliches, dull characters, and manages to stay true to actual, factual love.
3. District 9:
It is rare when Sci Fi fanboys such as myself are treated to a decent, smart Science Fiction film. But oh boy does it look like Christmas came twice (ew). What I love about this film is that it stays true to true Science Fiction which is comprehensive fiction you can believe, with a Scientific touch that makes it more grander. And if you strip the Science or less believable elements of the story you still get an intense narrative. There are obvious messages in the film paralleling the situation in South Africa but it doesn't shove it in your face which is very refreshing.The less you know about District 9 the more you will get out of the film but I will say that it delivers one of the smartest, most original, most entertaining Science Fiction films in the past decade. Oh and this film is not at all for the squeamish, I did find myself queasy at some parts and let me just say if you like the way you feel about your fingernails intact...don't see this movie...well do, but shun your eyes.
2. The Hurt Locker
Definitely one of the year's best films, The Hurt Locker, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, is a gripping, adrenaline rush, character study about soldiers in Iraq who specialize in defusing bombs. The movie deals with the tolls these characters have to face after going day after day in these situations that force enough adrenaline into your veins to kill a baby gorilla. Something I quite enjoyed is that it is unlike other war or Iraq movies in that it has a message, but like D9 it doesn't shove it any where in your body at any point. Like a minimum security prison: there's the punishment of solitary and dealing with what you did, but there's no Lawrence Fishbourne esque man named Midnight confronting you at nap time. All jokes a side, it's a really great film and highly deserves Oscar attention for the stars, the writer, and director.
1. Star Trek:
Of Course! The BID BUDGET HIGH GROSSING Star Trek revamp (kinda)! For me, Star Trek was the funnest time I had at the movies this summer. It managed to be many things: a love letter to die-hard fans, a new way for people who have no knowledge of ST to get emerged in the mythology, and all the while being a great entertaining summer movie. Now there are films on this list that are BETTER FILMS however ST entertained me the most, and entertainment is the number one thing a summer movie should have. It is also not a perfect film. Some flaws being: questionable motives for the villain (a Romulan played by Eric Bana) and not answering what Red Matter is, what it does, or when it will do certain things (either you travel through time ooorrrr you implode, either one). It is still a great, fun movie making it the best summer movie of 2009. Oh and it's directed by J.J Abrams, someone who's deeply loved in the Geek community for creating Lost. Love you J.J....even for Mission Impossible III....that was...that was a little weak.
If you disagree with this list, or anything I say, email me at
Stay tuned NEXT WEEK for Top Five Movie Duos!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Geekdom(kinda)?: The Boondock Saints 2 TRAILER!!
If you are a boy/man. And you like boy/man things. Please, please do yourself a favor and go out and rent The Boondock Saints.
Considered a cult classic, The Boondock Saints, went pretty under the radar when it was initially released. Now what happened afterwords was various scandals surrounding the director, Troy Duffy. I'm not going to get into that right now, but he tried to get Boondock Saints 2 off the ground for a while and FINALLY, we have a trailer! looks...well judge for yourself, but personally I think it looks fantastic. With much of the original cast returning it looks just as badass as the first one.
Something that concerns me however is that they have Bender from The Breakfast Club as the villian I love TBC but...really? He was THIS available? Who am I to judge he may to a good job..
Here ya'll go:
So go check out the first one if you haven't already, and get excited for The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day.
Hell yeah.
If you are a boy/man. And you like boy/man things. Please, please do yourself a favor and go out and rent The Boondock Saints.
Considered a cult classic, The Boondock Saints, went pretty under the radar when it was initially released. Now what happened afterwords was various scandals surrounding the director, Troy Duffy. I'm not going to get into that right now, but he tried to get Boondock Saints 2 off the ground for a while and FINALLY, we have a trailer! looks...well judge for yourself, but personally I think it looks fantastic. With much of the original cast returning it looks just as badass as the first one.
Something that concerns me however is that they have Bender from The Breakfast Club as the villian I love TBC but...really? He was THIS available? Who am I to judge he may to a good job..
Here ya'll go:
So go check out the first one if you haven't already, and get excited for The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day.
Hell yeah.
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