There are plenty of WHAT THE FUCK?! moments in the film, these are my top five. Ice.
5. Bane:
Bane from the comics:

Batman and Robin:

In the comics Bane BREAKS BATMAN'S BACK. In the movie Batman and Robin? He's fat.
While still being over the top ridiculous when it comes to pulsating.
4. Costumes:
This movie is infamous for the infamous bat-nipples. Not only did the Batman and Robin Bat suits have nipples on the pecks, they also had ass imprints and a cock piece.
WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! Also, the Mr. Freeze suit is over the top and ridiculous, the poison ivy costume is silly, and even the extras in the back round beg the question what the fuck?
3. Casting:
Seriously? Arnold? As Mr. Freeze? Seriously? George Clooney? Seriously?
Despite having an A-list cast all who have done good acting in the past (excluding Arnold), yet they bring these guys together AND ALL of them do terribly. None of them fit the part, none of them act the part, all of them were just waiting for that big fat pay check.
2. Miscellaneous:
A few things that don't deserve their respected number, but when put together, they make number two.
-Batman's line: "This is why Superman works alone." FUCK YOU WRITERS.
-BatCard: Batman has a freaking credit card. AHHHHHHH.
-Robin yelling COWABUNGA when sky boarding through the air. Which also doesn't make any sense.
-The camera always tilting on an axis during the opening credits, and the majority of the shots not being set up well.
1. Ice puns. All of them.
Here are a few of Arnold's puns on the word ice as well as things he says that hold no actual relevance, he just says them because, well, he likes ice. Get it? Mr. Freeze? Yeah, these writers were lazy.
-Ice to meet you.
-Let's kick some ice.
-You'll become a nice, ice snow cone.
-What killed the dinosaurs? The ICE age! (okay that's not even true, just use Google.)
-Batman, you have to chill!
-Allow me to break the ice.
I am dead serious, Mr. Freeze actually says these lines. And now, Mr. Freeze is the ice Governor of ice California.
That is all.
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