5. R2-D2: Star Wars (all of them):
What's great about this duo (alike with two others on this list) is that one of them can talk, one of them can't, yet one of them is able to translate for everyone else. This gives the two this endearing dependence. And even though they bicker and go separate ways in Tatooine, they always end up together and have their wacky adventures. What's great about duos, most especially with R2 and 3PO, is that they have such distinct personalities EVEN WITH BEING DROIDS! And even when they don't serve there kind here or they are not the droids you're looking for, they still make it on the list.
4. Kirk and Spock: Star Trek (all of them):
Starting in the original series, James T Kirk and Spock were loyal friends as captain and first mate. In the alternate universe that the most recent Star Trek movie created, they really did not get along all that well...we see their friendship bloom in a new way then it did originally, and I admit it, I got a little teary eyed when future Spock told Kirk, "I have been and always shall be, your friend." They are great characters when separate, but great friends and thinkers when together. In no matter what universe.
3. Jay and Silent Bob: The Kevin Smith movies:
I consider these two the foul mouth pothead versions of Han Solo and Chewbacca. In almost every written and directed Kevin Smith film, these two are like Han and Chewie and R2 and 3PO in that there is that communication barrier but they understand each other, however different in that Silent Bob usually has one final monologue at the end of a film dishing out wisdom and life lessons. Jay and Bob have crazy adventures and never cease to entertain and make me laugh. They are also on a poster hanging right above my desk where I am writing this right now.
Hey guys. Snoochie.
2. The Hobbits: Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy:
Okay, okay, okay this is a foursome of Hobbits (ew) HOWEVER after The Fellowship of the Ring they split up, Frodo and Sam going off to Mount Doom, and Merry and Pippin getting captured by the Uruk-Hai. After that, they both go their separate ways only to reunite in one of the 14 endings of Return of the King. I still count them as the Hobbits and group them together however. What I love about these four is that when they're in their two groups they both have distinct characteristics and adventures, Frodo and Sam having a more difficult and melancholic one where as Merry and Pippin have a more light hearted romp ending of course at Return at the battle of Minas Tirith. However when they are together, they have such a great friendship chemistry and are such good friends that I just want to kick back, smoke a pipe, and talk about strawberries and the simpleness of life on the Shire.
1. Han and Chewie.
Of course! My all time favorite duo of all time, Han Solo and Chewbacca. I love both of these characters so much that when together, they form a Geekgasm of fantasticness. Again, sharing the R2, 3PO characteristic, Chewbacca speaks in grunts and moans, the language of the Wookies, and only Han understands him. Together they pilot the Millennium Falcon and defeat Stormtroopers like they're being payed 20,000 credits for it. And even though Chewie doesn't wear pants, and has an over sized belt from around his shoulder to hip, Han doesn't discriminate. He is proud to be Chewie's friend, and they are by far, the greatest movie duo.

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