Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Important Thing: CALVIN HUTCHINS.

A while back my friend Calvin and I were having a conversation about, well I don't remember but it was a conversation. Calvin, along with very few other people, mentioned that he is a reader of the blog. I thanked him and he said in a joking manner that I should write a whole blog post specifically about him. I didn't take this seriously until he KEPT bugging me about it. So I told him-regular readers can stop reading this is just for Calvin-that I would write a post about him IF AND ONLY IF he made a blogger account and followed me. He did. This is me holding up my end of the bargain.
Calvin Hutchins, this one was for you.



  1. Martin, I saw your Mystery Googling and it landed me here, so this one's for you.

  2. Haha mystery Google, awesome. Give me a read wont cha?

