Friday, July 24, 2009

Tits and Giggles: A quick thing.

So whenever I click, new post, and start writing, down at the bottom it says, "Labels for this post". You know to tag it. Say if I were writing a blog about beach balls I would put in, Beach Balls.
But right under where it says "Labels for this post" it says, "e.g. scooters". So it's saying, "Tag this post, ya know, like scooters." So. Friends. This means, that there are enough blogs about scooters to have imprint scooters as a "for example" selection.

The only time a Scooter is interesting is when a dad buys one and waits in the drive way for it to "warm up" and hes just sitting on it with his helmet on and his two sons are watching him through a window and yelling "GO! GET OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY!" in effort to get him away before one of the son's girlfriend turns the corner and enters the driveway and sees the father in helmet and scooter swagger and has the memory forever imprinted in her memory.
That's totally never happened.


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