*NOTE: This is going to be a change in pace from my usual posts*
This is a topic that maybe, I don't know the most about. But hey, I never know what I'm talking about, why should today be any different?
There is talk throughout the country about legalizing the illegal drug marijuana. I will say upfront that I do not, nor have I ever used marijuana or any drug for that matter but this topic, is something that I believe highly in, and feel it should be discussed.
The war on drugs has failed. I will say this right off the bat. We have only exasperated the the illegal drug trade and use, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Now, when I say we should legalize marijuana I am talking about this one, particular substance. I am not suggesting legalization of all drugs, even though there would be certain benefits such as a decrease in crime and less use of shared needles resulting in less HIV positive Americans. However the cons out weigh the pros in the legalizing of all drugs.
When it comes to marijuana however, I believe it is a topic not to be taken lightly and to be heavily considered. I stress the point of the discussion being taken seriously because of what I have seen from our current president. Now listen, I am a liberal, and am thoroughly supportive of Obama and his presidency. However something that disheartens me is what he has to say on the subject of marijuana.
Listen to what he says here the topic, I believe this was when he was still running:
I find this an inconsiderate and an immature evasion of discussing the topic of legalization. I believe our president did this to win over certain conservative folk and higher up influences and to evade actually discussing the matter. He laughs at the question, alluding that certain web users are simple stoners. If you look at the people behind him they are laughing and nudging their associate and mocking the web users question who meant it as an actual question and a query to Obama. This is unfair and an immature way to go about real American's real thoughts and opinions.
Listen to what he says back in 2004 about decriminalization:
Okay, now here he does not say he is for legalization, however, he does talk seriously about rethinking our strategy and decriminalization of our laws. This is what he should have went about discussing it in the first video. He takes the matter seriously with respect and brings it up as a serious topic of rethinking our failures.
But enough about Obama, that was one of few issues I have with our president.
Moving on, I would like to talk breifly about the educational system and how it affects the use and growth of the popularity of the drug.
If you don't know what D.A.R.E is, you're probably....old....
Started ini 1983 d.a.r.e was an organization specializing in the education of preventing drug habits in teenagers. Now I think it is a dandy organization and their efforts in controlling gang membership and violence has been helpful in the decrease of violence in today's schools.
However what started, I believe as an effect of d.a.r.e, was that schooling systems across the country started scaring kids, and forcing anti drug policies and no tolerance toward drug using. Drugs were starting to be used as sodomy or something that is the worst thing that's ever existed ever. Ever.
Check out this 1980's drug psa shown on cable and in schools:
WHAT THE FUCK?! Not only is the video disturbing TO ME a fifteen year old, jaded high school student, but they showed this shit to kids, during Saturday morning fucking cartoons. There are several ones like this.
Check this out:
The educational system was, and still is, using scare tactics to frighten kids out of drugs. Maybe their intentions were good, however I think that one of the reasons drugs and alcohol are such a part of today's teen culture is because of the way it's expressed through school. Sure, it's important to educate, however we should do this in a mature, serious tone, not in ways that will give kids nightmares.
Now that they have stressed the disturbing aspects of drug use, kids now use them because it's extra bad. They think, oh, it's bad. BAD, is a bad word. Kids and people, often do illegal things BECAUSE THEY'RE ILLEGAL, BECAUSE THEY'RE "BAD".
I'm done with the educational system, they are a system so fucked up I need to address all there flaws in a follow up post.
Okay, now the pros of legalization of marijuana.
-if we section it in small, controllable doses, we can tax it, thus, raking in money, thus, helping our economy get back up on track.
-our medical use for the drug is so small and rarely taken advantage of and if we legalize it, there will be numerous benefits such as: it increases appetite in AIDS and cancer patients, it eases the digestive system of AIDS and cancer patients also those who have digestion issues, reducing interocular pressure in people with glaucoma, it eases pain.
-depression is a serious and dark topic that hundreds of Americans deal with, marijuana is a stress reliever, it has less side effects than most anti-depressant medication.
-people absurdly arrested for possession or under the influence of pot will be released from prison and overcrowding will significantly decrease.
You cannot tell me, that you're against saving the economy. You cannot tell me, that you're against relieving pain for AIDS patients. You can not tell me that depression, oh isn't all that bad.
Another point that I want to address is what a lot of people against legalization of pot are saying. I've had discussions with a couple of people against it and one point that seems to come up in all conversations is, "oh well if pot is legal, everyone's gonna start doing it and there will be a huge death and intellectual tole."
No, no, NO.
Heroin does not appeal to me, just watch Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream, and if it were suddenly legal, it does not mean I will pick it up and shove a needle into my vain or snort a line. Same goes for most people. If they are against something, however that something is not available, and that something randomly becomes available, said person will not just pick it up because they can. Human opinion and thought doesn't just go out the window if something is easy or because an individual CAN.
Also, there is no compelling evidence that marijuana causes long lasting side effects, brain damage, or death.
This was a long post, there are other points I'm not going to get to, I just wanted to get that out there, to try to help inform people. People as in whoever reads this. Which is two people.
That is all.
PS: If you have a rebuttal or argument against this topic, or anything I say, email me at melectricsheep@aol.com