Thursday, September 3, 2009

Top Five Weekly: Summer Movies.

*NOTE: this was supposed to be posted last Thursday but through complications it was not, kinda ruining the whole weekly thing. To make it up for you all, the next one will be up Tuesday* is September 3rd...and even though summer doesn't technically end until school comes back in session, I like to think that the summer movie season ends right when August does.
And well, as far as summer movies's been (I hate people who say this but) a mixed bag.

A few things to mention: The movies I count at "Summer Movies" have come out between May and August. Also I am going on the films I've seen, I have not seen every movie that's been released.

Really, it's been a stronger summer for independent films, and a weaker one for more BIG BUDGET IN YOUR FACE ones.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: This is important because 5 is such an oh so small number. Give some love to the films that didn't make it in the list: Inglorious Basterds, Moon, Funny People, and Up (a film that was SO close to getting the number 5 spot).

And now onto the big show!!!(big show?):

5. Away We Go:
Directed by Sam Mendes and starring Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski, two people you wouldn't expect to get great dramatic performances from, Away We Go was greatly written, directed, acted, but maybe just fell a little short because the chemistry between Maya and John seemed more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend. Check out this funny and poignant story about a couple going across the country to find a home, ready to raise a family.

4. 500 Days of Summer:
A hilarious romantic comedy romp starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds as they tumble over such quirky and original obstacles as an inappropriate grandmother! Trouble with the family dog! And Craig T Nelson as an inept father :(!
At least...that's what they could have done here...
Instead, director Marc Webb has created a sweet story of boy meets girl...except it is much more than that. It avoids cliches, dull characters, and manages to stay true to actual, factual love.

3. District 9:
It is rare when Sci Fi fanboys such as myself are treated to a decent, smart Science Fiction film. But oh boy does it look like Christmas came twice (ew). What I love about this film is that it stays true to true Science Fiction which is comprehensive fiction you can believe, with a Scientific touch that makes it more grander. And if you strip the Science or less believable elements of the story you still get an intense narrative. There are obvious messages in the film paralleling the situation in South Africa but it doesn't shove it in your face which is very refreshing.The less you know about District 9 the more you will get out of the film but I will say that it delivers one of the smartest, most original, most entertaining Science Fiction films in the past decade. Oh and this film is not at all for the squeamish, I did find myself queasy at some parts and let me just say if you like the way you feel about your fingernails intact...don't see this movie...well do, but shun your eyes.

2. The Hurt Locker
Definitely one of the year's best films, The Hurt Locker, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, is a gripping, adrenaline rush, character study about soldiers in Iraq who specialize in defusing bombs. The movie deals with the tolls these characters have to face after going day after day in these situations that force enough adrenaline into your veins to kill a baby gorilla. Something I quite enjoyed is that it is unlike other war or Iraq movies in that it has a message, but like D9 it doesn't shove it any where in your body at any point. Like a minimum security prison: there's the punishment of solitary and dealing with what you did, but there's no Lawrence Fishbourne esque man named Midnight confronting you at nap time. All jokes a side, it's a really great film and highly deserves Oscar attention for the stars, the writer, and director.

1. Star Trek:
Of Course! The BID BUDGET HIGH GROSSING Star Trek revamp (kinda)! For me, Star Trek was the funnest time I had at the movies this summer. It managed to be many things: a love letter to die-hard fans, a new way for people who have no knowledge of ST to get emerged in the mythology, and all the while being a great entertaining summer movie. Now there are films on this list that are BETTER FILMS however ST entertained me the most, and entertainment is the number one thing a summer movie should have. It is also not a perfect film. Some flaws being: questionable motives for the villain (a Romulan played by Eric Bana) and not answering what Red Matter is, what it does, or when it will do certain things (either you travel through time ooorrrr you implode, either one). It is still a great, fun movie making it the best summer movie of 2009. Oh and it's directed by J.J Abrams, someone who's deeply loved in the Geek community for creating Lost. Love you J.J....even for Mission Impossible III....that was...that was a little weak.

If you disagree with this list, or anything I say, email me at

Stay tuned NEXT WEEK for Top Five Movie Duos!!!


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